Kelompok riset RO 16 – Wisata dan Ekowisata merupakan kelompok riset yang berfokus pada isu penelitian yang berada di lingkup wisata dan ekowisata.
Research Topic:
- Consumer behavior and marketing
- Human resource management
- Demand and technological forecasting
- Smart, virtual, and digital innovations
- Branding and brand management
- Design, planning, and development
- Managing environmental, economic, and social impacts
- Market segmentation, targeting, positioning
- Social responsibility, sustainability, and ethics
- Participatory, e-commerce, and sharing business models
- Operations management
- Training and staff development
- Strategic management and marketing
- Organizational behavior, values, and culture
- Networking, partnerships, and collaboration
- Gender and identity
- Change management
- Product and service innovation
- Service, delivery, quality, and recovery
- Social media marketing and management
- Risk, safety, security, and crisis management
- Customer motivations, satisfaction, and intentions