Faradilla Anggit Prameswari
Kolaborator SSRS dalam tim RKO1 – RhinoMGV, RKO2 – IPB UI Collaboration.
Undergraduate Student, Department of Geography, University of Indonesia.
Publikasi Collab (Coming Soon):
1. Rapid Detection of Tsunami Damage Areas in the Mangrove Forest of Panaitan Island, Using a Cloud Computing-Based Platform
2. Mangrove, Vegetation and Water Index for Estimating Tsunami Impact Areas using Sentinel-2 MSI and Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing-Based: A Rapid New Approach in Mangrove Forest Area
3. High Heterogeneity LULC Classification in Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia: A Study Testing 11 Indices, Random Forest, Sentinel-2 MSI, and GEE-based Cloud Computing