Artikel Ilmiah

Artikel ilmiah civitas IPB SSRS Association

Madinu AMA, Jouhary NA, Ulfa A, Rahmadhanti IN, Pudjawati NH, Asy’Ari R, Zamani NP, Pramulya R, Setiawan Y. 2024. Monitoring of coastal dynamics at Subang Regency using Landsat Collection Data and Cloud Computing Based. BIO Web Conf.. 18: 04005. Akses

Adni SF, Asy’Ari R, Raihan F, Putra EI. 2024. Carbon stock estimation based on remote sensing in the northern coast of Java. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science. 1315 012042 akses

Asy’Ari R, Rahmawati AD, Dzulfigar A, Marfi KP, Aulia Ulfa, Puspitasari RF, Raihan F, Aslam MF, Saputri HR, Madinu AMA, Jouhary NA, Hidayat MAD, Fadhil MH, Nurrahmah AC, Inanda IA, Zamani NP, Pramulya R, Setiawan Y. 2023. Mangrove Damage vs Succession: An Opinion on the Journey of Mangrove Investigation Studies in Subang Regency Coast Area. SSRS Journal A: Agroenvironmental Research, 1: 1-6. Akses

Asy’Ari R, Alamako WB, Aslam WF, Nurhawaillah LE, Rivai FA, Pramulya R, Zamani NP, Setiawan Y. 2023. Spatiotemporal for Sea Reclamation in Makassar City Coastline, South Sulawesi: Best Solution or Environmental Impact?. SSRS DataBrief, 1: 1-4. Akses

Rivai FA, Asy’Ari, R, Fadhil, MH, Jouhary, NA, Saenal N, Ardan F, Pohan A, Pramulya R,Setiawan Y. 2023. Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Changes using Random Forest through Google Earth Engine in Depok City, Indonesia. SSRS Journal B: Spatial Research, 1: 1-12. Akses

Rahmawati AD, Asy’Ari R, Ranti A, Prameswari FA, Ameiliani TH, Khairunnisa ZN. 2023. Mapping of land use change using Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) imagery and Google Earth Engine mapping platform at Dramaga, Bogor Regency, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220: 012024 akses

Alwysihah H, Adni SF, Asy’Ari R. 2023. Mapping of Land Use in Cijengkol Village, Subang Regency Using Sentinel-2 MSI (MultiSpectral Instrument). Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands. 12(1): 1–10. akses

Ranti A, Asy’Ari R, Ameiliani TH. 2022. Detection of Urban Forest Change in Jabodetabek Megacity Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Imagery Through Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science. 959: 012028. akses

Rahmawati AD, Asy’Ari R. 2022. Google Earth Engine: Utilization of Cloud Computing-Based Mapping Platform in Detecting Mangrove Distribution with Sentinel-2 Images in Jakarta City. Prosiding Geomatika 2021. 413 – 424. Akses

Wandani RA, Asy’Ari R, Setiawan Y, Anggodo. 2022. Deteksi Ekspansi Padi pada Lanskap Hutan di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Indonesia Menggunakan Algoritma RF dan Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrumen. UMJember Proceeding Series. 1(2): 235-245. akses

Asy’Ari R, Rahmawati AD, Sa’diyya N, Gustawan AW, Setiawan Y, Zamani NP, Pramulya R. 2022. Mapping mangrove forest distribution on the Banten, Jakarta, and West Java ecotone zone from Sentinel-2-derivied indices using cloud computing based random forest. Journal of Natural Resources and Environment Management. 12(1): 97-111. akses

Ramawati AD, Ranti A, Asy’Ari R. 2022. Google Earth Engine & Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument: integrasi data spatio-temporal untuk memetakan LUCC menggunakan algoritma Random Forest. Jurnal Ilmiah Penalaran dan Penelitian Mahasiwa. 6(1): 26-42. Akses

Rahmawati AD, Rahmat Asy’Ari R, Fathonah MA, Priyanto, Zamani NP, Pramulya R, Setiawan Y. 2022. Vegetation-Water-Built Up Index Combined: Algorithm Indices Combination for Characterization and Distribution of Mangrove Forest through Google Earth Engine. Celebes Agricultural. 3(1): 20-42. akses

Asy’Ari R, Putra MCA. 2020. MAKABUT (MANGROVES-BEKANTAN-GAMBUT): A Solution for the Development of Integrated Eco-tourism Area in Mangrove- Proboscis Monkey Habitat in Batu Ampar, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science. 771: 012033. akses

Aprilianti HS, Asy’Ari R, Ranti A, Aslam MF. 2021. Identification and classification of vegetation indices values based on cloud computing on several land use in Bogor Regency, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science. 918: 012011. akses.